Branston sponsors ambitious young rafting team


Supporting the Notts Raft Racing HPPCC JuniorU19

Branston has added its support towards the Notts Raft Racing HPPCC JuniorU19 Rafting Team. This year the team has been successful in securing the opportunity to represent Great Britain in the European Championships 2023, which will be taking place on the Vltava River in the Czech Republic 21st-27th August. 

Branston’s donation will help towards funding travel, accommodation costs and fees. The team is also hoping to secure further sponsorship to provide them with personal kit such as competitive paddles and safety clothing.  As a non-funded sport, the team relies on fundraising to keep going and they regularly arrange events to help with this, including cleaning up local waterways with sponsored litter picks. 

All the Juniors trained hard in the last year to ensure they were ready for the challenge of selection which began in March. They are continuing to push themselves through the summer to achieve the best possible result in the European Championships.

For more information about the club visit