AED donation to Metheringham Gym


Second defibrillator donated to local community

This week Branston donated an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to the local gym at Metheringham. Following a number of fundraising events through the year, and match-funding from the company, this was the second of its local community donations.

The team at the gym had already started fundraising for an AED earlier in the year.  Their motto is “We are more than just a gym, we are a community. Together we can make a difference.”

The gym is open 24/7 all year round and is well used by many people who live and work in Metheringham and the surrounding villages. They felt that having an AED would provide an additional safety measure for gym users and the local community.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) can strike at any time. When it does, using a defibrillator has proven to be the most effective response. Defibrillation within three minutes of SCA increases the chances of survival to over 70%. Literally every second counts.

Branston is working with Lincolnshire-based charity LIVES, to make sure that the donated AEDs are supplemented by vital training in how to use them. They are hosting a training session later in the month to support this.

LIVES provides emergency care in critical situations and works with communities to ensure that any individual who suffers a 999 medical emergency in Lincolnshire is surrounded by the best rapid response care available.

Ian Greaves, who owns the gym, was on hand with members of his team to receive the AED, which will be situated on an external wall for easy access in the event of an emergency.

Photos: Caitlin Leonard, Shane Rawlings & Aydn Walster (Branston), Sophie Greaves, Monica Fairholme, Kelly Poynton & Ian Greaves (Metheringham Gym).