Lindsay Burrows

“It’s not your average 9 – 5, but there’s a certain camaraderie amongst lorry drivers that you don’t get in other jobs.”

I started off as an agency driver. I covered a few different companies, but I found that Branston was the one I enjoyed most. It was a tight-knit team and I found them to be very friendly and supportive. I learned a lot from the other drivers. Most of them had been with the company for years and they were happy to pass on their experience.

After two years I joined the Branston team permanently. It was a small team when I joined (with just eight lorries) but over the next few years it grew as Branston took on more of its own haulage. After five years I started looking for a bit more of a challenge and I was offered a job as an instructor elsewhere. Branston didn’t want to lose me, so I was asked to stay and help set up a new driver training programme. By this point the company was up to 20 lorries.

We now have over 50 at the Lincoln site alone.

As well as making sure our drivers understand and comply with all the regulations, I make a point of supporting their wellbeing. Lorry driving is not a 9 - 5 job and it can be a lonely one. You’re in that cab for long hours, with only your own thoughts for company. You’re also in sole charge of a 44-tonne truck, which comes with a lot of responsibility. We have regular 1:1 check-ins, as well as opportunities for the drivers to get together as a team. 

Our rapid expansion means lots of new opportunities. For example, I’m leading on our work with colleges to support newly qualified drivers into their first lorry-driving job. It can be quite hard to transition from learning to working as a driver, so we provide lots of on-the-job coaching and training.

I’ve recently completed a Transport Manager (Certificate of Professional Competence) CPC, which is proving helpful in the planning and organising side of my role. I’m also doing the Road Haulage Association (RHA) Driver Training training, so that I can support my colleagues in sharing best practice across the company.

Mark Abbott

Mark Abbott

Maintenance Co-ordinator

"There's always something to learn and some new challenge to overcome."

Jim Aitken

Jim Aitken

Senior Agronomist

"I'm passionate about getting the best out of potatoes and making sure that the end consumer does too."

Dominic Groom

Dominic Groom

Customer Technical Manager

"I get to be involved in every step - from stock selection in the field to how the products are presented in store."